Category: communism

Charlie Chaplin and the FBI

(Phillip Deery, Charlie Chaplin and the FBI): There is much more to the political harassment and persecution of Charlie Chaplin. J. Edgar Hoover first took an interest in the ‘little tramp’ in 1922, the year after ‘The Kid’ opened. But it was not until World War II that his FBI file, numbered 100-127090, began to thicken. FBI agents noted that he was the main speaker at a CPUSA-backed Artists Front to Win the War in Carnegie Hall on 16 October 1942, which called for a second front. He addressed the crowd as ‘comrades’ and praised the Soviet Union, then a wartime ally. … Continue readingCharlie Chaplin and the FBI

Book launch: Conflict in the Unions: The Communist Party of Australia, Politics & the Trade Unions, 1945-60

Saturday, 23 November 2013 Longtime socialist, former tram conductor, 3CR City Limits co-presenter, and now labor historian Douglas Jordan has written a pioneering study of how the Communist Party of